Friday, June 13, 2008

letting go

Here we are after much water has passed under the bridge. The motorcycle is gone. After a rich, full life, too old to make the journey, our dog has gone to the Great Beyond. My son is in NYC for the summer before finishing his last year in college. My job is done. Many of our possessions have been sold and the remainder is in storage for the summer. Our condo has been sold. Now we begin the road story.

After our last goodbyes this weekend, we will pack our car, bringing our cat and a few belongings. We hit the road Sunday heading for Cooperstown, NY to the Baseball Hall of Fame. Then we will make our next stop Cleveland, OH where we will visit the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. From there, we will proceed west to Champaign, IL to spend some time with my parents while we calculate our next move. We have realized many options while working outside the confines of anything resembling a plan.

Beyond that, the future is unwritten...

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